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A member registered Mar 12, 2021

Recent community posts

Oh I am blind, sorry.

It does not say that anywhere in it.

Your a idiot.



How original.

Ok powerpuff girl.


Your not just a clown, your the entire circus.

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Zoo we mama.

Like people arguing over Boyfriends name like Ninja Muffin hasn't trolled before.

Oh sorry.

Egg rule  34.

It is time to get romantic.
Time to get romantic, yes indeed that's for sure
Da kick punch style remains very secure
Never pending, always the first, to make a move.
This, time, we get, down nice and smooth
Love kick.
Love punch.
Love duck.
Love turn.
Love chop.
Love twist.
Love pose.
Love hug.
Smooth kick.
Nice punch.
Sweet chop.
Love fight.
Because I'm smooth, with a groove so new,
I wish everybody had the same point of view.
Meet me at the corner, Pick you up at 7.
Wear your best dress and I'll take you to heaven.
Hold hands.
Face to face.
Get romantic.
Let's get it on.
Love style.
You and me.
Together forever.
Never to part.
Look up in the sky.
See the stars?
I hold you tight.
Lovers we are.
I'm da sensei, you are my students,
But before that, you and I are friends.
We lean on each other, anyway we can,
We all need love, no matter woman or a man.
Smooth like butter.
Caress your lover.
Enjoy the moment.
Won't last forever.
Love punching.
Soft chopping.
Sweet kicking.
It's all about the mind.
Tamanegi flava.
Wish I was a playa.
I'm a tax payer.
Need a good lawyer.
And so it goes, yes this is the final chapter,
I hope that all your questions were answered,
'Cause I'm majestic, now romantic,
I know love will be the key to save our own planet.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday,
24/7, each and every single day.
This is how we do, the last lesson,
L O V E, your brand new prescription.
Kick, kick, punch, jump, pose.
Smooth chop, love, with a rose.
Duck, twist, twist, turn, punch.
Hug, kiss, love then chop.
Ta, ma, negi sensei
Here, he, comes, so make way!

Already helped a dude on discord, because he had this virus: the link isnt a virus so you know, the hyperlinksearch .net is.

Alr this is seriously geting worse and worse everyday .  Can all theses debates stop . like  omg your wrong its going to be tankman um your wrong its gonna be ritz nah its gonna be more picos school stuff. LIKE PLS STOP this has gone way to far and the same gose for  what week is harder or not this community is starting to get really like really toxic to the point where i feel like leaveing it tdh  no one in this community can just come up with one opinion everything also has to be a war to become a fact  now what i mainly wont to talk about is what week is harder or not ok let me get this straight NO WEEK IS HARD OR EASY (thats a lil bit of a hot take right there )  ppl have there own skills on there own weeks ppl are acting like there skills are facts which is DEAD WRONG  ok  there is the good group and the bad group ( i mean this in how good you are at the game ) the ppl who are just bad need to just get good if your bad at the game then deal with it or get better for those who are good at the game stop acting like your the best sure you might be good but the best like at the top mm i dont think so not everyone is like this but i see this all the time ppl saying that there just the best at the game ( real quick i just wanna thank the ppl who are trying to help  and be non toxic thank you alot  ) ok now next thing about the what is week 7 is going to be there may be leaks and all that kinda stuff but they could just be all fake dont think like 100% is going to be who you think it will ppl are lierally trying to dig and mine down info just so they can prove there right when mb there wrong its up to the devs to think about  who they wont to be week 7 and  honestly if they pick one the other group of ppl who wonted the other leak will get really mad at them  so all this fighting is just going to make it worse for the devs ok 2 more thing stop jokeing around  when i say jokeing am talking about the ppl who have the need to just say oMG weEk 7 iS oUt just to troll you stop your not funny your just wasteing ppls time ok last thing i may be takeing a break from this community idk how long if i come back and it still not better i just might leave the community  for good ok with all the out of the way spread this around the fnf community #StopTheFighting ok have a good day a good after noon a good night or what every  be nice to each other. :)


I know was just pointing it out.

Saw rule 34 of that, was tasteless

Call me that and I will make sure that I shove a whole gallon of cookies and cream icecream down your throat then bonk you in the head and make you watch tasteless porn.

It is not, its the worst flavor.

Like the chocolate flavor, makes you want to sing the entirety of the song Ugh. 

What about Skid and Pump, or Pico?

Dude thats easy.

No it will come out when it come out,  ya kid.

Relax, this will be my final one then I can have the triology of power, I will have Snatcher, Thicccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Luigi, and Hatsune Miku chug jug with you, AND THEN I WILL HAVE ULTIMATE POWER!

Tho it will most likely gain back popularity when week 7 releases.

To be honest, I think this game could be dying.

I know, like I haven't talked here in a long time at least in a day.

Can ya believe that?

The person who made this post silly.

Hello Joe.

Yeah I just killed a Pokémon that I was trying to shiny hunt, resetting the chain.

Truly sorry but I am shiny hunting a shark Pokémon, so again sorry for not posting here in a while.

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I am going to go to hell for posting this but it is worth it I hope. 

Please draw this, because we all need to chug jug in this trying time.
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As this is more poggers.